General Lunch-Time Behavior
- Cutting in line is never acceptable. Not even if a friend allows you. Saving places is not fair either.
- Always line up single file.
- Use level zero to level one movement at all times during passing periods and lunch time (unless on the play field.)
- Always keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- No public displays of affection (PDA.)
- Respect yourself by respecting your environment - clean up your area when you leave.
- If asked to pick up trash, do so with pride for your school. Don't say, "It's not mine!"
On the Way to Lunch
- Students will proceed to the lunch courts, snack line, or cafeteria lunch line using level two (2) movement and voice levels. See Voice and Movement Levels on page 6. (Snacks and limited lunch items are served at the snack carts.)
- If students are released from classrooms before the lunch bell rings, they must be walked by the classroom teacher to the east lunch line entrance and teachers must remain with their students until the bell rings. Students will not be allowed to go to the snack lines without teacher supervision before the bell rings.
- Students who will be getting lunch in the cafeteria will line up single file along the windows of the east cafeteria door entrance.
- If a student needs to go through both the cafeteria line and snack line, they must first go through the cafeteria line.
- Students are not allowed to enter the cafeteria via the south (lunch court) doors while lunch is being served. The north (300 building side) cafeteria doors will be closed once all students are through the line. If students want to enter through the south door they must wait until the north door is closed.
- The north cafeteria door is closed and locked as soon as the line is through (usually about 10 minutes into the lunch period.)
Inside the Cafeteria
Students will:
- Upon entry, choose one of four lunch lines and line up single file behind the red line on the floor.
- Assure that no more than five students enter at a time in the serving line.
- Make selections quickly.
- Speak clearly and respectfully to cafeteria workers and all other adults.
- Have money and/or lunch number readily available.
- Sit at a table in the cafeteria or, at a table or bench outside. Do not sit on the ground along the walls or windows.
- Use appropriate table manners, keeping hands and feet to yourself.
- Speak and behave respectfully to each other. Horseplay will not be tolerated at any time.
- Clean the area (tables and floor) where they have eaten and throw away all trash in the trash cans.
- Exit from the cafeteria through the south (lunch court) door.
- Leave the cafeteria building 10 minutes before the end of lunch.
- Make sure all food and drinks remain in the lunch court area - no food or drink allowed on the play field or to be taken home or to classrooms after lunch.
If You Bring Your Lunch
- If you do not need to enter the cafeteria, you may enter the lunch court through the east gate near Boys' PE.
- Sit at a table in the cafeteria or at a table or bench outside. Do not sit on the ground along the walls or windows.
- When finished, clean the area (tables and floor) where you have eaten. Throw away all trash in the garbage cans provided.
- Remain in the lunch court area, cafeteria, or play fields with the exception of going to the 400 building restrooms.
- All food and drinks must remain in the lunch court area - no food or drink allowed on the play field or to be taken home or to classrooms after lunch.
- Anyone who needs to leave the lunch area, with the exception of using the 400 building restroom, must have a PASS from a teacher or other adult.
- Use time wisely. Use the restroom during lunch, restrooms will be closed during the passing period between lunch and 5thperiod. Teachers should not let students out for restroom breaks during 1st and 5th periods.
Organized Field Activities
Four square courts, tetherball courts, basketball courts, soccer and play field are available during the last half of the lunch period. Depending on the number of supervisors, these games may be modified by supervision staff.
- The gate to the field will be opened once lunch service is complete and at the discretion of noon duty field supervisors.
- Students in the field area must be participating in an activity, socializing can be done on the lunch court.
- Good sportsmanship will be practiced in all games. Rough play will not be part of any field activity.
- Students will settle differences peacefully, without aggression or foul language.
- Students who are heard cussing will be sent to the lunch court for the remainder of the lunch period.
- Backpacks should NOT be left unattended. Students do so at their own risk. When backpacks are left unattended staff is not responsible for recovering lost or stolen items.
- At the sound of the whistle, students will return equipment to lunch supervisor, and walk using level two (2) movement back to the lunch court to wait for the end-of-lunch bell to ring.
When it Rains
- Students remain in the cafeteria, or under sheltered eating areas outside.
- Students who choose to be out in the rain are choosing to be wet for the afternoon (or the day if it rains in the morning.)
- Students who choose to stomp through puddles are choosing to have wet feet for the afternoon (or for the day if they choose to do so in the morning.)
- Students will not be sent to the front office or health office to change or call home. Field activities will be closed.