Eagle's Way

The Eagles' Way

Encourage Others

Accept Differences
Give Respect
Learn to Listen and Listen to Learn
Expect Positive Results
Strive for Excellence


Encourage Others - Be supportive to everyone whether you like them or not. Helping others is the Eagles' Way. Use words of encouragement like, "Good job!" "I liked your project." "You'll do better next time." Responses like, "You suck!" "You're dumb." etc. are not acceptable. Offer your help if you think someone needs it. Use polite words at all times. Encourage others to seek an adult's help when they have a problem.

Accept Differences - Just because someone looks different, comes from a different place, was raised in a different culture, or has different abilities doesn't mean you don't have something in common. You won't know until you talk to them. The expectation is not that you become best friends, but that you treat everyone with kindness and respect.

Give Respect - Tone of voice and body language will be positive and respectful at all times. There are no put-downs. Use active listening. Make eye contact. Engage in pleasant exchanges. Students and adults are expected to initiate friendly greetings. Respect yourself as well as those around you.

Learn to Listen and Listen to Learn - Come to school prepared for the task at hand. When students are in class, they need to pay attention to the speaker, be active listeners, look at the speaker, and participate in class discussions/lessons when appropriate. When adults are at meetings they are to do the same.

Expect Positive Results - Students and adults will set high expectations for themselves and others. They will do their best when challenged and be proud of accomplishments. Improvement and excellence will be celebrated by students and staff.

Strive for Excellence - Students and staff will come to school prepared for learning and/or teaching. Everyone will do the best they can at all times. In order to achieve excellence students and staff will go above and beyond what is expected when learning, teaching, and caring for others. Personal integrity (high moral character, ethical behavior, and honesty) are of the utmost importance to be your best and to do your best.

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